AT, FR, DE | 110'
24.9.2023 | 19:00 | CULTURAL CENTER
24.9.2023 | 19:00 | CULTURAL CENTER

Director: Jessica Hausner | Stars: Mia Wasikowska, Sidse Babett Knudsen, Amanda Lawrence
Miss Novak joins the staff of an international boarding school to teach a conscious eating class. She instructs that eating less is healthy. The other teachers are slow to notice what is happening and by the time the distracted parents begin to realize, Club Zero has become a reality.

Martin Gschlacht is an Austrian cinematographer who won Carlo di Palma Award for European Cinematographer for Goodnight Mommy (2014). He is also known for Shirin Neshat’s Women Without Men (2009), Jessica Hausner’s Lourdes (2009) and the Oscar nominated Revanche (2008).